""And whosoever receives a little child such as this on my behalf, welcomes me." - Matthew 18:5

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Our Rest Day

Our sweet girl slept 10 hours last night, with only 2 grieving periods. Both grieving periods I held her in my arms as she starred deeply into my eyes with tears rolling down her cheeks. I can see the hurt & confusion that she holds in her sweet little heart. As I held her, I prayed to Jesus for healing, I prayed for her birth parent, her foster parents and her foster sister whom will never see again. I asked the good Lord to give me patience, peace, understanding, wisdom and most of all the continued heart to Love as only HE can. Our hearts are so in love with this little one and we are beyond blessed to call her “Our Daughter”.

She woke up just a little after 7:00am, we called my sister in NC to Skype and my sister can vouch that she looked sleepy and sad.

We then got dressed but upon changing her into her clothes, I had the clever idea to take off her diaper and sit her on the toilet. What do you know after a few minutes, she not only pee’d but she also POOPED inside the toilet… I am one proud mama and baba is even happier because he says we may not need to buy diapers too much longer, lol.

We then went downstairs for breakfast. Today mei mei ate 2 hardboiled eggs, some plain congee, fruit (watermelon and melon) some type of Chinese bread, yogurt and milk.

We then met with David at 10:00am downstairs in the lobby. We headed towards “People’s Park”, this is a local popular park in the city of Nanning. Boy I have to say this park is amazingly beautiful. I am so glad that we took the opportunity to go. I have to say that we got a lot of looks from different people in the park and yes, we had one elderly lady come up to us and say to cover the baby’s legs. We did dress her warm but the pants she was wearing go up a little when she was sitting in the stroller and we did not have long socks on her so her legs were showing. The Chinese people like to have their children completely covered when they are outside and if you don’t have them covered they will tell you to cover them up.

This park is surrounded by natural green beauty. In the middle of the park lies a beautiful river with a bridge that unites both sides of the park. You will find middle age people doing exercise and Tai-Chi throughout the park. You will also find the elderly people playing music and instruments like the violin in the area. The park also has an area called “Children’s Paradise” – it’s basically an amusement park with all kinds of rides. Best thing is, the rides were free. Herb and mei mei rode a ride that is similar to the “Tea Cups”, oh boy she did not like this at all. As soon as the cup started to rise, she started screaming. It took forever for the ride to end poor baby.

We also had the opportunity to take the girls to an area with a bounce house, a ball pit, slides, swings and things to climb on. She has great mobility and loves loves loves the swings. This girl is so smart; she hung tight to the rope and pumped her legs to get a good swing. The more I pushed her, the more she giggled and the happier my heart would become.

Just a little after 12:00pm, we walked some ways and headed to a local Chinese restaurant for lunch. Isabella (Mei Mei) fell asleep and slept most of the time we were eating. The local Chinese food is really good, nothing like the states except maybe with the fried rice. We had pork, green beans, some spicy noodles (which I passed on) and some pumpkin fingers, OMW it was so yummy, I hope we don’t get sick from all this food we are eating. There was nothing raw though, everything was well cooked.

After lunch we headed to some shops and I took the opportunity to by Isabella some long socks, a bib and some cute sock shoes to wear indoors. We then headed back to the hotel for some rest time and then we will be meeting David downstairs at 5:30pm to head out for dinner.

Since Isabella had slept through lunch, I took some food from our lunch back to the hotel and fed her there. She ate all the fried rice and I also learned that she doesn’t like bananas. At least I’ve offered it twice and both times she has refused. I tricked her and put it in her mouth and she spit it out. But she does like Kit Kat chocolate bars, Marshmallows and potato chips.

After lunch, I took off Isabella’s diaper and sat her on the potty and would you know it, this child immediately pooped again in the toilet. She was so happy when she finished and of course her mama was cheering her on. Her belly was tight, all cleaned up and she was ready to play. We bought her at the park the bubble shooter thing, she found it and wanted to play with her baba. I got a video of her playing and giggling with her daddy while they played on the floor. She then laid on the bed with daddy and started watching cartoons. She is a really good girl and we love her to pieces.

Tonight David took us to another local Chinese restaurant in Nanning. It was just like a melting pot restaurant, where you pick your food and cook it yourself. Everyone including the girls ate me not so much. Mei Mei ate pork and mushroom dumplings, pork and mushroom meatballs, some vegetable looking thing, rice white, mushrooms, onions and beef. Our girl eats almost everything, very different from our Seth back at home. She is so sweet, when she was done eating she sat on my lap facing me and gave me a real big cuddle, oh I love this girl.

We got back to the hotel a little after 8:00pm. I took mei mei a bath, I put all 3 Mr. Ducks in the back and she allowed them to swim with her but she did not touch them. She babbles in Chinese and has such a cute personality, I can’t wait for our family and friends back home to meet this total sweetness.




  1. Love reading all your post. Sounds like Mei Mei is doing quite well bonding with you guys. How can she not? You're both warm loving parents and I am sure she can sence that. Nights, of course like anyone (not just a child, or an adopted child) but our minds start to wonder, we start thinking, so yes of course she grieves at night. I truly feel she will do better and better as time goes by, and her grieving will pass soon. I shall keeo that in prayers. Glad we were able to Skype a bit this evening. Love you guys and can't wait to meet my little niece soon!!

  2. I too love reading your post....i'm so happy she's doing so well. We think about you guys everyday wondering what's her day like. Try and post some pictures when you get a chance. God Bless. Sending hugs


  4. Just caught up on the posts. So very happy for you all. Isabella is such a cutie and it sounds like she's beginning to adjust to her new family. Again, so happy for you and like your sister said... more pictures please! :)
