""And whosoever receives a little child such as this on my behalf, welcomes me." - Matthew 18:5

Sunday, December 9, 2012

All Isabella Yong Mei

So this post is about all the things that we have discovered our girl can do...

Mei Mei can do the following things:

She can eat with CHOPSTICKS (all fine motor skills)

She can put on her own shoes

She can eat by herself with a fork and spoon

She can climb just about anything

She does pee and poop in the toilet (almost already potty trained)

She can read (hahahha just kidding)

She can and will eat anything that doesn't eat her

She cleans up her mess

She can help me comb her hair

She can sing

She can dance

She can make you laugh

And she can definitely melt your heart, Just sayin :)


  1. Thanks for sharing, my favorite is the first one with her on Daddy's shoulders, love that smile.

  2. Sweet little thing:) You made me laugh when you said she could read;)

  3. Becky Browder NeustadtDecember 9, 2012 at 2:29 PM

    The pictures are wonderful! Ily, I need one of you with Mei Mei -- !!! xoxoxo

  4. LOVED this post!! I love the pictures, too, especially the one of her eating with chopsticks. She is just too stinking cute!! Oh, I LOVE that she is always wearing the little bracelet I gave her. <3
